- #1055
l zw 干嘛续命X86。。。
l zw 干嘛续命X86。。。
SteveWorkshop 我还有个x86设备(
ThinkBou 看起来wd要刷新了
l zw 意义不怎么大,没什么新功能了
ThinkBou Windows Server 2022 Hotpatch Hotpatch x64-based
"File name","File version","Date","Time","File size"
ThinkBou 看起来Copilot不再成为任务栏固定按钮的一部分,而是一个普通的App的位置(根据发布会现场演示设备截图)
Releasing Windows 11, version 24H2 to the Release Preview Channel:
As part of this update, we’re also evolving the Copilot** experience on Windows as an app that will be pinned to the taskbar.
2024年5月25日更新:看起来微软确实是在最近才决定把Copilot从右下角移动到中间。昨天微软中国上传的Surface, Windows 11 AI PC的产品视频,Copilot按钮赫然出现在右下角……
现在我们已经知道了,微软宣布Copilot成为独立应用,Copilot不再成为任务栏固定按钮的一部分,而是一个普通的App的位置。但是如果你以为是Windows CoPilot MSIX Pack/Windows Copilot Frame MSIX Pack,那就天真了。实际上,26100.712中新的Copilot已经变成了PWA。
我以上说这么多,就是想表明一个事情。Windows Copilot已经实质性被砍了。这件事情是从预览版中撤销去年9月引入的新体验开始的:
Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.3570 (Beta Channel):
Over the last few months, we’ve been trying out different experiences for Copilot in Windows (Preview) with Windows Insiders across the Canary, Dev, and Beta Channels. Some of these experiences include the ability for Copilot in Windows to act like a normal application window and the taskbar icon animating to indicate that Copilot can help when you copy text or images. We have decided to pause the rollouts of these experiences to further refine them based on user feedback. Copilot in Windows will continue to work as expected while we continue to evolve new ideas with Windows Insiders.
如果你不相信Windows Copilot被砍,那么可以试试之前提到过的技能[1][2],这些技能全部废了。
微软这帮营销鬼才,能够把Windows Copilot被砍的这件事掩盖的这么隐蔽。
营销团队用"updated Microsoft Copilot"、"reimagining what can do on Windows"、"easier than ever to call on"、"simplifying the experience"把这件事掩盖过去了
所以,直到今天,我们也不清楚当时Panos Panay到底为Windows Copilot规划了什么……
Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.3570 (Beta Channel):
Over the last few months, we’ve been trying out different experiences for Copilot in Windows (Preview) with Windows Insiders across the Canary, Dev, and Beta Channels. Some of these experiences include the ability for Copilot in Windows to act like a normal application window and the taskbar icon animating to indicate that Copilot can help when you copy text or images. We have decided to pause the rollouts of these experiences to further refine them based on user feedback. Copilot in Windows will continue to work as expected while we continue to evolve new ideas with Windows Insiders.
Releasing Windows 11, version 24H2 to the Release Preview Channel:
As part of this update, we’re also evolving the Copilot** experience on Windows as an app that will be pinned to the taskbar.
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