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- #61
SteveWorkshop 纳德拉是可惜放弃仙女座设备太早了。不如看看纳德拉关于这一部分的原话是什么:
The decision I think a lot of people talk about — and one of the most difficult decisions I made when I became CEO — was our exit of what I'll call the mobile phone as defined then. In retrospect, I think there could have been ways we could have made it work by perhaps reinventing the category of computing between PCs, tablets, and phones.
这事有个前提是,折叠屏手机大放异彩,然而微软是有机会提前去建立起这个新生态的。具体来讲,Duo的交互和折叠屏手机的交互有很多共同之处,如果2018年的时候稍微加紧一些推出仙女座设备,没准现在Windows可以在折叠屏手机上运行得很好。结果微软在黎明就要到来的时候全面刹车转向安卓,结果Surface Duo的发展落后于市场脚步,现在想掉头也没机会了。