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- #43
{printf("To get further Google Chrome Updates, you'll need Windows 10 or later.\n")}
{printf("To get further Google Chrome Updates, you'll need Windows 10 or later.\n")}
happymax1212 早期的Win10TP 运行chromium稳定性都很差
gailium119 可能原推是9841?不清楚诶
happymax1212 9841也是6.4啊莫非他用的97xx?
gailium119 他用的应该就是某个NT6.4,不过似乎他测的都不是泄漏的build,那应该是9841或者9879吧
l zw 确实
happymax1212 14901早就泄露了,而且还有几个旧版本的
星游12 是这个么?
Microsoft Security Essentials reached end of service on January 14, 2020 and is no longer available as a download. Microsoft will continue to release signature updates (including engine) to service systems currently running Microsoft Security Essentials untill 2023.
Why is Microsoft Security Essentials no longer available?
Windows 7 is no longer supported and availability of new installations of Microsoft Security Essentials has ended. We recommend all customers move to Windows 10 and Windows Defender Antivirus for our best security option.
Will Microsoft Security Essentials running on my system continue to run?
Yes, we will continue to provide signature updates for Microsoft Security Essentials until 2023.
Amylopectinlover 不是这个
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