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5 天 后

你的MS365订阅已于 {b} 过期...
( 我刚提的Mondo16+Dogfood啊[tieba=cry])

6 天 后


(出自Microsoft官方的《Microsoft 简体中文本地化规范》(Chinese (Simplified) Localization Style Guide))

新鲜 热乎的[tieba=huaji]

    6 天 后


    Windows Thin PC is the successor to Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs. It is based on Windows Embedded POSReady 7, a lightweight version of Windows 7 intended for use in embedded industry devices and serves as a thin client which can be used on older computers for users who do not want or do not have the option to upgrade hardware. It was released to manufacturing on 1 June 2011 and reached general availability on 1 July 2011.

      13 天 后

      “局 Microsoft 默认值 在你的电脑上”


      4 天 后

      “把想法变成草稿,发现它内置于MS Edge中”

      9 天 后
      13 天 后



      正确翻译是“消耗的带宽”,bandwidth的缩写是BW,黑白的缩写也是BW 🤣

      9 天 后

      《一流的性能 更高的隐私》



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