与你所爱,更进一步——Windows 11 发布会音乐系列
- #10
何木槿 啊,你的那两首原来来自这里!https://music.163.com/#/program?id=904100037
- #12
- 已编辑
- #15
- #16
DaleZ 在查找这些音乐时发现了包含ThinkBou 的音乐(得益于 Bilibili)。
ThinkBou 提供的版本首首都是精华(在此再次感谢),但是有了这个版本的音乐,我可以得到完整的音乐集了(就是混杂了些不怎么好听的歌)。
- 已编辑
- #17
在 Bilibili 上一无所获的我,最终不得不钻进油管中,万幸的是,我找到了。
结合 Bilibili 上少数的片段,基本可以确定为原版 DaleZ。
00:00:00 - Essed - White Sands (Remix)
00:02:48 - Aaron Sprinkle - Eyez on the Prize
00:06:24 - Aaron Sprinkle - Upside
00:09:19 - Aaron Sprinkle - Part and Parcel
00:10:43 - Acreage - Clouds
00:13:05 - Cloud Wave - Land of Midnight
00:16:09 - Song 7 (Windows XP sounds)
00:19:46 - Jordan White - Glimmers
00:21:47 - Kurtis Parks - Friendship and Enmity
00:24:38 - Lincoln Davis - Safety
00:26:48 - Lincoln Davis - Spheres
00:29:00 - Markus Huber - Al Fine
00:32:09 - Moments - Ensuing Calm
00:35:09 - Moments - Life Worth Living
00:38:18 - Moments - Life's Mystery
00:42:29 - Song 16
00:46:21 - Song 17
00:49:12 - Reel Life - Winter Wonder
00:52:48 - Song 19
00:55:18 - Song 20
00:58:14 - Song 21
01:00:47 - Song 22
01:05:18 - Song 23
01:08:06 - Song 24
01:11:11 - Song 25 (Windows XP sounds)
01:14:47 - Song 26
01:16:49 - Song 27
01:19:39 - Song 28
01:21:49 - Song 29
01:24:01 - Song 30
01:27:11 - Song 31
01:30:11 - Song 32
01:33:20 - Song 33
01:37:31 - Song 34
01:41:21 - Song 35
01:44:14 - Song 36
01:47:48 - Song 37
01:50:19 - Song 38
01:53:15 - Song 39
01:55:17 - Song 40
02:04:16 - Song 41
02:06:32 - Song 42
02:15:20 - Song 43
02:20:17 - Song 44 (Windows sounds)
02:25:20 - Song 45
Song 45(即DaleZ)= Song 40,不知道作为结尾时为什么被截断成2分钟,不过后半段确实不好听,有怪声。
ThinkBou Panos的审美很奇特。
- #18
DaleZ 嗯……这个原来也有歌单……
Music Pieces:
Note: Music author names suggested by people in comments and are NOT verified and could be incorrectly attributed.
00:00:00 - 1st Piece - Luna Wave - Fighter
00:02:25 - 2nd Piece - Luna Wave - UltraVioletEverything
00:06:02 - 3rd Piece - Luna Wave - Chasing the Light
00:09:09 - 4th Piece
00:12:48 - 5th Piece - Luna Wave - Nobody Else
00:15:28 - 6th Piece - Luna Wave - New Generation
00:19:00 - 7th Piece
00:22:05 - 8th Piece - Luna Wave - Shelter
00:25:20 - 9th Piece - Essed - White Sands (Remix)
00:28:38 - 10th Piece - Aaron Sprinkle - Eyez on the Prize
00:32:15 - 11th Piece - Aaron Sprinkle - Upside
00:35:11 - 12th Piece - Aaron Sprinkle - Part and Parcel
00:37:47 - 13th Piece
00:41:33 - 14th Piece
00:44:56 - 15th Piece
00:48:49 - 16th Piece - Luna Wave - Sidelines
00:51:52 - 17th Piece00:56:02 - 1st Piece (abrupt switch to next piece)
00:57:26 - 14th Piece
01:00:12 - 15th Piece
01:04:06 - 16th Piece
01:07:09 - 17th Piece
01:11:19 - 1st Piece
01:15:40 - 2nd Piece
01:19:16 - 3rd Piece
01:22:24 - 4th Piece (gradual ending mid-piece)*Others: Aaron Sprinkle - Escaping Light
- #20