- #678
l zw 所以这个onecore长啥样?类似于server无gui版本?
l zw 所以这个onecore长啥样?类似于server无gui版本?
ThinkBou 这群人是买了几百部手机然后开盲盒开出来这个?
OneCore大致长这个样 NT10用nativeshell也能进入到类似的界面
另外Server无gui版本 准确来讲是srv16的Nano Server SKU
提本狐 这是手动删了UI文件?
SteveWorkshop server的组件都不会有,考虑把非onecore包全卸了的情况,就是一个只能启动的东西
SteveWorkshop SteveWorkshop ,他(l zw onecore)说的你应当理解为现在的Windows平台,它只是一个通用Windows基础,每个产品团队都可以根据这个平台去开发自己的OS。也就是说,onecore它不是一个完整的OS,这个东西甚至可能缺少完整的Win32子系统。
也正因如此,这个语境下onecore不会单独被编译为可部署的OS,提本狐 示意有问题。
从uup包也无法完全看出onecore的情况l zw ,你只有接触到原始代码才能知道这到底是什么
这里与WCOS区分,WCOS也是在onecore基础上搞来的。如果指BOOTMGR页面显示Windows OneCore 10信息的OS,那提本狐 的示意问题更大了。
这个语境下的onecore,它是删除了完整Win32子系统,只保留了最小Win32子系统(使用win32kbase.sys和win32kmin.sys)以支撑WinRT API和CShell运行的一个用于WCOS开发的编译版本。
提本狐 我想如果在这个模式下能指定一个win RT应用作为shell的话那就好玩了
悲报:Panos 将离开微软
Amylopectinlover 啊???
ThinkBou 大概看了一下目前这次重组涉及到的部门中CVP任职情况。
一目了然,看起来下一个版本的Windows已经在开发中是没有问题了,主要工程团队都移动到Windows and Web Experiences Team了。不过到底是保留Panos Panay时期的原规划,Hudson Valley和CorePC,还是只搞CorePC呢?另外也应该是宣告了Windows 11的Moment工程进入尾声了,因为Windows工程团队已经不在现在负责Windows规划和发布管理职责的团队里了(也就是Pavan的团队)。
ThinkBou 有没有可能只有hv,或者说是11的缝缝补补?
ThinkBou 不过还是想不明白那几个Staging ID有什么用。
想明白了……23H2包括SV2M4的更新内容,SV2M4将带来一些23H2的新功能,如Copilot on Windows。
Microsoft then went on to announce the next big Windows 11 update, which, up until now, was being tested as the Windows 11 23H2 release. However, Microsoft didn’t announce Windows 11 23H2 during the event. Instead, it announced another moment update coming to Windows 11 version 22H2, which just so happens to include most (if not all) of the 23H2 features.
Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 11 Build 22621.2361 (KB5030310) to Insiders in the Release Preview Channel on Windows 11, version 22H2. We’re also beginning to roll out some of the new features announced yesterday by Yusuf, including Copilot in Windows (in preview)*, Modernized File Explorer, new text authoring experiences to voice access and new natural voices in Narrator, and Windows Backup. A more complete list of features will be shared next week on Sept. 26th.
Windows Central表示,微软这么做的原因是……
I have asked some sources about this, and it looks like Microsoft has decided to ship many of 23H2’s new features as part of a 22H2 moment update instead. The reason for this? Moment updates are not optional. The annual XXH2 release is always optional, so you don’t have to install it as an end-user if you don’t want to.
What the heck?
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