Windows 的过去、现在和未来
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- #1741
何木槿 好像没什么问题……云是核心,那么终端就是边缘了
DaleZ 我觉得不太会,至少纳德拉在刚才的电话财报会议中不是这么表示的。
KARL KEIRSTEAD, UBS: Thank you. Maybe this one as well for Satya, and it’s also away from the numbers. But, Satya, I wanted to ask you about the Stargate news and the announced changes in the OpenAI relationship last week. It seems that most of your investors have interpreted this as Microsoft, for sure, remaining very committed to OpenAI’s success, but electing to take more of a back seat in terms of funding OpenAI’s future training CapEx needs.
I was hoping you might frame your strategic decision here around Stargate, and Amy, whether there’s any takeaway for investors from that decision in terms of how you’re thinking about CapEx needs over the next several years. Thank you.SATYA NADELLA: Yeah, thanks for the question. We remain very happy with the partnership with OpenAI. And as you saw, they’ve committed in a big way to Azure. And even in the bookings, what we recognized is just the first tranche of it. And so, you’ll see, we’ve given the role for we have more benefits of that even into the future. And obviously, their success is our success because even all the other commercial arrangements that we detailed out in the blog that we put out even commensurate with that announcement.
But to your overall point, the thing that I would say is we are building a pretty fungible fleet. We’re making sure that there’s the right balance between training and inference. It’s geo-distributed. We are working super hard on all the software optimizations, I mean, just not the software optimizations that come because of what DeepSeek has done, but all the work we have done to, for example, reduce the prices of GPT models over the years in partnership with OpenAI. In fact, we did a lot of the work on the inference optimizations on it, and that’s been key to driving.
One of the key things to note in AI is you just don’t launch the frontier model, but if it’s too expensive to serve, it’s no good. It won’t generate any demand. You’ve got to have that optimization so that inferencing costs are coming down and they can be consumed broadly.
And so, that’s the fleet physics we are managing. And also, remember, you don’t want to buy too much of anything at one time because of the Moore’s Law every year is going to give you 2x. Your optimization is going to give you 10x. You want to continuously upgrade the fleet, modernize the fleet, age the fleet, and at the end of the day, have the right ratio of modernization and demand-driven monetization to what you think of as the training expense.
I feel very good about the investment we are making. And it’s fungible, and it just allows us to scale more long-term business.
- #1742
Brain Griffin 现在在win10碰上个奇怪的bug:我切换用户后使用自带的IME会只能打出生僻字
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- #1743
Beta Channel首次接收24H2/Germanium Build
如果您在Beta Channel,您将继续接收到22635的Build,同时看到26120的Build以可选更新形式提供。并行推送将持续一段时间,并行推送结束后,您的设备将会被自动更新到基于24H2的预览版本。
- #1747
ThinkBou 嗯……占着茅坑不拉屎的原因找到了。Panos在2020年抢人的时候(现在看来可能不是Panos抢人而是红衣教主清理垃圾),有Azure的员工顺带吐槽了一下Server难用。具体内容如下:
原来Azure Stack HCI是这么来的
- #1753
ThinkBou 技术也不喜欢的是不是没救了()
- #1754
gailium119 反正微软内部现在Windows没什么人权……
- #1755
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- #1759
熊猫火狗 都是在大脑里的了,再写一遍也不是没可能
SteveWorkshop 这样的话问题来了这几个22xxx跟win11到底是什么关系(叫win10是因为那个时候还没确定新系统要不要改名),还是说这几个22是禁用了win11新UI(undockingdisable)
ThinkBou 如果用一张图总结,那就是下面这样:
Stakarilky 已经调整了啊,All in AI。以及Windows现在还在进行着一定程度上的硬件生态变革,不然怎么Surface消费者设备会梭哈WoA
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- #1760
ThinkBou 近期SV2新变化(第三弹):
- 任务管理器中 Disconnect 和 Logoff 对话框的设计,现在支持深色模式和文本缩放。
- 任务管理器性能页面将标记磁盘的类型。
- 开始菜单All Apps更改为All。
- 支持Biangbiang。
- 文件资源管理器上下文菜单中新增“分享到”选项。
- “开始”菜单或任务栏中的跳转列表项现在支持按下Shift + CTRL以管理员身份运行。
- 当没有连接兼容设备时,动态照明设置页面现在将显示提示信息,并且亮度和效果控件将被禁用。
- “动态光照”设置“波形”效果添加了“向前”、“向后”、“向外”和“向内”选项,并向“渐变”效果添加了“向前方向”选项。
- Windows Hello体验更新。
- 现在支持直接从任务栏上的跳转列表分享文件。
- 新增Resume功能,目前支持无缝衔接在手机上最近处理过的OneDrive文件。
- 开始菜单推荐项目中的文件现在支持直接分享
- 文件资源管理器“登录时还原以前的文件夹窗口”功能现在支持还原之前在每个文件资源管理器窗口中打开的所有额外选项卡。
- 锁屏界面聚焦功能将直接显示评价按钮。
- Windows 共享窗口共享链接或 Web 内容时将看到该内容的视觉预览。
- 24H2独享的文件资源管理器上下文菜单快捷操作控件的文字描述来到了23H2。
- Windows Update已启用的组策略项目现在新增了快捷访问链接
- 放大镜新增最大化/重置缩放按钮
- 由于已经推出Copilot+功能,现在弃用复制电话号码或将来日期时显示的建议操作。
- 设置的关于页面将新增置顶卡片,以显示PC的关键规格。
- Snap Layout新增文字提示
- EEA率先开测锁屏页面上的小组件
- 文件资源管理器中对Entra ID登录的用户,现在在主页中会显示相关文件近期操作的用户
- 桌面聚焦图标体验提升,包括在图标上悬停即可查看相关信息、图标颜色/背板改进、默认位置移至右下角。
- Windows共享体验提升,拖动文件即可触发快捷共享菜单。
- 此功能已官宣
ThinkBou 更新的开始菜单所有项体验(尚未正式公布)(尚未推送至RP和GA)
- 任务栏上将显示表情面板的系统托盘按钮。