- #874
何木槿 用dism不要双击
何木槿 用dism不要双击
gailium119 PS C:\Users\sysz7> DISM.exe /Online /add-package:"C:\Users\sysz7\Downloads\25398.287.msu"
版本: 10.0.25398.1
映像版本: 10.0.25398.1
正在处理 1 (共 1) -
[==========================100.0%==========================] 发生错误 - C:\Users\sysz7\Downloads\25398.287.msu 错误: 0x800f081f
错误: 0x800f081f
DISM 失败。不执行任何操作。
可以在 C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log 上找到 DISM 日志文件
何木槿 log发来看下
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Error ICbsServicingProcessor->Process failed: 800f081f [Error,Facility=(000f),Code=2079 (0x081f)]
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Error CScenarioCtrlBase::Install(360): Result = 0x800F081F
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info Install exited. Error:[0x800F081F]
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Error CDeploymentSession::Install::<lambda_1>::operator ()(8266): Result = 0x800F081F
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info OnError: [0x800F081F]
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info WatsonHelper: Setting bucket parameter [3]: [0x800F081F]
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info Error is fatal: [TRUE]. UpdateResult: [1].
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info [Plugins]::Serialize: 0 plugins present
2023-07-13 09:41:19, Info WatsonHelper: Setting bucket parameter [2]: [1]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info CONX aepic: TRACE,PicRetrieveFileInfo,827,Deprecated flag used: [0x4000]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info CONX aepic: TRACE,File::SetBaseFileInfoForPic,615,Retrieved "c:\windows\system32\dism\dismhost.exe" info from cache
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [0] to: [22]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Parameter [1] is muted - Ignoring: [X]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [1] to: [X]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [2] to: [1]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [3] to: [0x800F081F]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [4] to: [amd64]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [5] to: [25398]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [6] to: [zn_release]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [7] to: [25398]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [8] to: [zn_release_svc_prod1]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Setting Parameter [9] to: [287]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Adding file to report [C:\WINDOWS\Logs\MoSetup\UpdateAgent.log]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Adding file to report [C:\WINDOWS\Logs\MoSetup\ActionList.xml]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Adding file to report [C:\WINDOWS\Logs\MoSetup\DeviceInventory.xml]
2023-07-13 09:41:20, Info WatsonHelper: Uploading Report.
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: ExtensionName = [OS]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: hr = [0x800F081F]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: InternalFailureResult = [0x0]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: result = [1]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: CancelRequested = [FALSE]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info ReportEventInstallEnd: UpdatePriority = [0]
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Installation failed. - CDISMPackageManager::ProcessWithUpdateAgent(hr:0x800f081f)
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info Deleting non payload files from sandbox.
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info Deleting C:\Users\sysz7\AppData\Local\Temp\83C39ED9-309D-4CBE-A9B3-7B01ED73394C\windlp.state.xml
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info Deleting C:\Users\sysz7\AppData\Local\Temp\83C39ED9-309D-4CBE-A9B3-7B01ED73394C\windlp.state-old.xml
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info UpdateAgent logging ends.
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Failed to install UUP package. - CMsuPackage::DoInstall(hr:0x800f081f)
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Failed to execute the install in expanded MSU folder C:\Users\sysz7\AppData\Local\Temp\83C39ED9-309D-4CBE-A9B3-7B01ED73394C. - CMsuPackage::ProcessMsu(hr:0x800f081f)
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Failed to apply the MSU unattend file to the image. - CMsuPackage::Install(hr:0x800f081f)
2023-07-13 09:41:40, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Trying to delete expand dir - CMsuPackage::Install
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Loaded servicing stack for online use. - CDISMPackageManager::CreateCbsSession
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:122]'\??\C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.25398.285_none_62dd595b676db563\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Failed while processing command add-package. - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x800f081f)
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=9288 Further logs for online package and feature related operations can be found at %WINDIR%\logs\CBS\cbs.log - CPackageManagerCLIHandler::ExecuteCmdLine
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Error DISM DISM.EXE: DISM Package Manager processed the command line but failed. HRESULT=800F081F
2023-07-13 09:42:00, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=3808 TID=852 Finalizing CBS core. - CDISMPackageManager::Finalize
2023-07-13 09:42:01, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4752 TID=8240 Closing session event handle 0x234 - CDISMManager::CleanupImageSessionEntry
2023-07-13 09:42:01, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.
2023-07-13 09:42:01, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2023-07-13 09:42:01, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->
2023-07-13 09:42:01, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
The full experience (currently) of the WASDK file explorer (Beta Channel Build 22631.1972)
NEWS 22631.2048 (Beta Channel)已推送
到这里我们可以得出结论了,Dev Channel的234xx已经结束使命,不会再有235xx了,22631可能就是今年的Windows 11大型更新。
注意:Beta频道的Windows 11 Build 22631到目前为止还没有启用WASDK文件资源管理器的新设计,只是启用了WASDK新框架而已。下图是新设计打开后的状态:
何木槿 Details显示的文件数量是异常的
何木槿 后续肯定还有moment 5吧
JimmyZhang0105 M5难说,毕竟明年就Hudson Valley了
[VTpwj][€ИЁĎĢШ !] 意义不明的巨大数字(确信)
升级到Beta后RP被封堵了 不知道是个例还是为23H2做准备
提本狐 是在为23H2做准备。
Windows 11, version 23H2 will be available as an enablement package
The upcoming Windows 11, version 23H2 shares the same servicing branch and code base as Windows 11, version 22H2. What does it mean for you? If you're running Windows 11, version 22H2, it will be a simple update to version 23H2 via a small enablement package (eKB). Do you remember updating from Windows 10, version 1903 to 1909? Or how you've managed recent updates beginning with Windows 10, version 20H2 through 22H2? It will be that simple. Moreover, since both versions share the same source code, you don't need to worry about application or device compatibility between the versions. ——Jason Leznek
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