Windows 8及以上版本和WCOS的Builds杂谈
- #62
- #63
《论 Mica 的真实面目》
在 Windows 11 中,把 CustomizerGod 的窗口往文件资源管理器上的 Mica 部分拖动有惊喜~~~
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- #64
The WoW64 part of Build 22000's Client Features can be installed and worked fine on Build 20348, but the amd64 part won't work. It will even destroy the system. (OMG, The IME has broken again)/////
By the way, after installing the amd64 part, the system won't broke immediately. You can use it as nothing has happened. But after a restart, it will display "Updating your system". After that, you'll see a broken LogonUI.exe, and this copy of system won't boot again.
The Google Grass Machine (Google Translate) :
Build 22000 客户端功能的 WoW64 部分可以在 Build 20348 上安装并正常工作,但 amd64 部分将不起作用。 它甚至会破坏系统。 (天哪,输入法又坏了)//////
顺便说一句,安装amd64部分后,系统不会立即崩溃。您可以像什么也没发生一样使用它。 重新启动后,系统将显示“正在更新您的系统”。 之后,您将看到损坏的 LogonUI.exe,并且此系统副本将无法再次启动。
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- #65
何木槿 The WoW64 part of Build 22000's Client Features can be installed and worked fine on Build 20348
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- #66
Tony060912 Yeah, that's ture.
- #67
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- #68
- #69
疑似存在内部新UI搭载Build 21154、21800,也可能只是这些组件自己的版本号
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- #70
参见Windows 11 控制中心的老祖宗(雾)
- #74
- #75
- #76
- #77
- #78
Tony060912 似乎又没图了()
- #79
何木槿 啊这,我这边正常
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- #80