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  • Windows
  • Windows 8及以上版本和WCOS的Builds杂谈

ThinkBou 我明白画图为什么要用WebView2了。
还记得我前两天吐槽Office用上了WebView2这件事吗?确实如此,目前测试通道中Word的墨迹功能由Webview2提供支持,所以我在想画图估计也要这么刷新……不过WinRT中有关Windows Ink的东西就这样地要被废了?

如果你像我一样手欠ThinkBou 在实体机上安装了Windows 10 协同版怎么办?不要怕,有解决方案

Yesterday, I myself encountered this problem when I tried to update the 20H2 mirror image pulled from uupdump. It should be solved with the help of a friend who works at Microsoft.

Let me first talk about why this problem occurs. This problem is caused by a problem when UUP Dump is unpacked.
A policy file that should be used for Surface Hub is packaged into the generated image, and then if other devices use this image to perform installation, the policy that should have been given to Surface Hub will be applied incorrectly, and then there will be the problem of not being able to use UEFI boot normally in the post.

Then here is the solution, my system is now 19041.

The following situations are all based on your condition to create a new bootable USB flash drive

First of all, if your device has a TPM, please clean up the TPM of your device. If you turn on Bitlocker, it's better to turn off Bitlocker first, then clean up the TPM, and then turn off the device’s secure boot function.

Next, prepare a bootable U disk, write any non-Windows boot image with EFI Shell (here I used Arch Linux installation image), enter the EFI Shell, enter the following command

dmpstore -d SkuSiPolicyVersion -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d SkuSiPolicyUpdateSigners -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d SecureBootAntiRollbackVersion -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d CurrentPolicy -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d Kernel_DriverSiStatus -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d Kernel_ATPSiStatus -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d Kernel_WinSiStatus -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d Kernel_SkuSiStatus -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d Kernel_SiStatus -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d VsmLocalKey2 -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d RevocationList -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d BootDebugPolicyApplied -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d CurrentActivePolicy -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d BootingDeviceTypeInfo -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d WindowsBootChainSvn -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d SecureBootPlatformID -guid 77FA9ABD-0359-4D32-BD60-28F4E78F784B
dmpstore -d UnlockID -guid EAEC226F-C9A3-477A-A826-DDC716CDC0E3
dmpstore -d UnlockIDCopy -guid EAEC226F-C9A3-477A-A826-DDC716CDC0E3

If you find it too troublesome to type the command line by line, you can create a .nsh file with any name and paste it in. The nsh file is placed in the root directory of the U disk, and then execute fs0:\Your-name.nsh in the EFI Shell, and press Enter.

After this step, you should be able to start any version of Windows installation image or PE, but do not start the system on the hard disk, the problem has not been solved yet.

Next, boot with any PE (I used Linux Live CD), mount the EFI partition of the system. and then make sure that efi\boot\bootx64.efi and efi\microsoft\boot\bootmgfw.efi under the EFI partition, and bootmgfw.efi under C:\Windows\Boot\EFI are replaced with efi\boot\bootx64.efi in the installation image of the current version and the name is changed, and at the same time, delete all the .p7b files in efi\microsoft\boot\ under the EFI partition, and delete C:\Windows\Boot\EFI\winsipolicy.p7b or replaced with the files in the installation disk. After this step, you should be able to enter the desktop.

After entering the desktop, check if there is anything in the CiPolicies and Tokens under C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity except the empty folder, delete all if there is any, and restart the system after doing it. If you need to open the safe boot, you can now.

At this point, the repair should be complete.

As for the principle of this method, my friend said that it is impossible to disclose (involving NDA), but what is certain is that it is not the problem of lack of certificates that was previously guessed on the forum.



启动过 Windows 10X 以后传统 Windows 拒绝启动了怎么办?
启动一个 EFI Shell,在里面执行

dmpstore -d SecureBootPlatformID

然后重启回传统 Windows 即可。


    5 天 后

    ThinkBou 我发现我那主板挺特别,10X启动了以后删掉ESP里面一个证书就照样回Legacy 10。

    Life is simple, Win "10X" was my idea.




      何木槿 可能这个cobalt可能有特殊指代,和Azure的Core Semester无关

        ThinkBou 170423那时候距离Azure接盘还有大约一年多,估计有特殊指代(((

        ThinkBou Windows Central那边有个配图

        ThinkBou 你又双叒叕彗星了,这个最早在21376出现



          Build 22600。

          6 天 后


          说一些有关Windows Server vNext的事情。

          1. 从任务管理器看来,Windows Server的资源管理器图标有些不同(我并不清楚这是什么时候发生变化的)

            另外,Windows Server vNext的任务管理器与Windows Client的任务管理器也是有些差别的(不是UI)。比如进程的上下文菜单、性能页面……
          2. 25099开始,微软建议管理员使用Windows Admin Center管理服务器。
          3. Windows Server不适合日用,原因多了去了……

            ThinkBou 我没记错的话,Microsoft Server的字眼依旧可见,特别是在Windows Server Inside Preview门户页面。然而这个字眼只是因为某些原因可能没在系统上再次出现过...

              ThinkBou 微软建议管理员使用Windows Admin Center管理服务器。


              ThinkBou 不是UI

              Server 拥有过新任务管理器,咱不知道现在是被砍了还是Bug

              ThinkBou 任务管理器的资源管理器图标

              一句话就是老Azure了,此图标从Server 2022(Iron)开始使用

              才发现这个所谓的Windows 7 2020 Concept 不简单,里面很多10X和11的元素。(原视频发布日期为2020年9月)

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