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- #218
Windows 8及以上版本和WCOS的Builds杂谈
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- #223
回去翻了翻18947,你甚至可以看到两个类WFEP的包。其中一个发展为10X 的 Modern Shell Host,另一个发展为WFEP。
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- #224
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- #229
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- #230
ThinkBou 别吵了
IME broke again()
<Identity Name="ModernUXProduct" Publisher="CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US" Version="1000.20279.1002.0" ResourceId="neutral"/>
<mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="8D69A87D-D514-42C6-A942-7E035BC8C2CE" PhonePublisherId="41F73925-92A0-49F9-A599-4A6ECB31994E"/>
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- #231
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- #232
WFEP现已集成到Professional Specific Pack中
- #233
Preview: Windows 10 Build 19044.1415.vb_release_refresh_prod1.220130-1405(a non-exist BuildTag)[tieba=huaji]
准备弄一个新的工程,基于Windows 10,能merge的Windows 11组件全都淦上去[tieba=huaji]
- #234
何木槿 草
- #235
Windows 10 Vibranium is quite $h!t, and it's pretty slow and unstable after Windows 11-ify
- #236