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            // If we are viewing a specific tag, then pin all stickied
            // discussions to the top no matter what.
            $gambits = $search->getActiveGambits();
            if ($count = count($gambits)) {
                if ($count === 1 && $gambits[0] instanceof TagGambit) {
                    if (! is_array($query->orders)) {
                        $query->orders = [];
                    array_unshift($query->orders, ['column' => 'is_sticky', 'direction' => 'desc']);
            // Otherwise, if we are viewing "all discussions", only pin stickied
            // discussions to the top if they are unread. To do this in a
            // performant way we create another query which will select all
            // stickied discussions, marry them into the main query, and then
            // reorder the unread ones up to the top.
            $sticky = clone $query;
            $sticky->where('is_sticky', true);
            $sticky->orders = null;
            $read = $query->newQuery()
                ->from('discussion_user as sticky')
                ->whereColumn('sticky.discussion_id', 'id')
                ->where('sticky.user_id', '=', $search->getActor()->id)
                ->whereColumn('sticky.last_read_post_number', '>=', 'last_post_number');
            // Add the bindings manually (rather than as the second
            // argument in orderByRaw) for now due to a bug in Laravel which
            // would add the bindings in the wrong order.
            $query->orderByRaw('is_sticky and not exists ('.$read->toSql().') and last_posted_at > ? desc')
                ->addBinding(array_merge($read->getBindings(), [$search->getActor()->read_time ?: 0]), 'union');
            $query->unionOrders = array_merge($query->unionOrders, $query->orders);
            $query->unionLimit = $query->limit;
            $query->unionOffset = $query->offset;
            $query->limit = $sticky->limit = $query->offset + $query->limit;
            $query->offset = $sticky->offset = null;


            // If we are viewing a specific tag, then pin all stickied
            // discussions to the top no matter what.
            $gambits = $search->getActiveGambits();
            if ($count = count($gambits)) {
                if ($count === 1 && $gambits[0] instanceof TagGambit) {
                    if (! is_array($query->orders)) {
                        $query->orders = [];
                    array_unshift($query->orders, ['column' => 'is_sticky', 'direction' => 'desc']);
            // Otherwise, if we are viewing "all discussions", only pin stickied
            // discussions to the top if they are unread. To do this in a
            // performant way we create another query which will select all
            // stickied discussions, marry them into the main query, and then
            // reorder the unread ones up to the top.
            $sticky = clone $query;
            $sticky->where('is_sticky', true);
            $sticky->orders = null;
             if (! is_array($query->orders)) {
                        $query->orders = [];
             array_unshift($query->orders, ['column' => 'is_sticky', 'direction' => 'desc']);


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