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  • WindowsOffice
  • 关于Windows 7最高能运行的Office版本的探究

由于Windows 7的最高能跑的Office Deployment Tool是16.0.14729.20228,对于Office 365的Version 2112版本,这就激发了我的好奇心,是否意味着Office 365 Version 2112也能在Windows 7上跑?

虽然微软官方宣称支持Windows 7的最后Office 365版本是2002,但并不意味着高版本没法在Windows 7上安装了,微软只是识别系统阻碍了C2R的运行,完全有方法绕开。可以使用abbodi1406的Office_C2R_Extender_W7蓝奏分流
密码:hey2 解压密码2020)绕开,就可以尝试高版本Office能不能在Windows 7上跑了。

我首先下载了Office 365 Version 2112 build 16.0.14729.20260尝试在Windows 7上安装,结果安装到97%就提示失败了:


我贼心不死下了Office 365 Version 2201 build 16.0.14827.20158尝试在Windows 7上安装,也是一样的报错

然后想到Win8支持的最后版本Office是Version 2012,于是下载了Office 365 Version 2012 build 16.0.13530.20440尝试在Windows 7上安装,安装很顺利,Word、Excel都能支持运行:



我试着安装了Version 2002后的下一个半年通道版本Version 2008,结果PowerPoint也是不能运行,报的错和Version 2012上的PowerPoint一样。


我想起了微软官方说从Version 2005版本开始在Windows 8上有稳定性问题了,会不会从Version 2005开始更新了api,最后一个版本能在Windows 7上跑的版本是Version 2004?

我下载了Version 2004 build 16.0.12730.20352在Windows 7上运行,正常;然后试了Version 2005也正常,Version 2006也正常,Version 2007也正常,结果最高能跑的版本是Version 2007。后面的Version 2008第一个版本16.0.13127.20296,PowerPoint就不能运行了。

Office 365 Version 2007版本最新的是月度企业通道的Build 16.0.13029.20708。

使用Office Deployment Tool下载Office 365 Version 2007的参考代码:


<Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="MonthlyEnterprise" Version="16.0.13029.20708" >
<Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
<Language ID="zh-cn" />


win8.1的最新版本office,微软已经指定了:如果从office cdn更新(即外网下载)是2月补丁日发布的版本,最新的是当前通道2301,如果从其他渠道更新(如内网部署),那么最高可以到2302,但实际上,2303最新内测都可以正常更新。
如下图是8.1和11下的365最新内测版(版本号图2,mondo2016等同于365)对【ppt里插入的音频文件对象可以添加隐藏字幕】的演示,注意看右键菜单或ribbon中的insert captions菜单。同时,8.1下的what's new点不了,对比图4:

    2 个月 后

    1) i don't understand how much different libraries 8.1 has from 7 that you cant install 2021 on 7 or office 365 🙁
    2)how can we get that 2007 office 365 specific version to install it on 7 ?
    3)would be too difficult to patch 7 with the necessary dll's from 8.1, in order the semi manual versions ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-microsoft365-apps-by-date ) to work?
    4)what is the latest version of office 2019 to work on 7 ?

    • xkai 回复了此帖


      1. ms may update or add some apis to apps during software development. if an app needs to use apis that don't exist in Windows, the app may work incorrectly or even can't start.
      2. you can download version 2007 of office 365 by otool or odt.
      3. it seems it difficult to do this. because version 2005+ have known compatibility issues when running on nt6.2, officially announced. but all versions of office 365 run very fine on nt6.3. of course, you must use office c2r extender to install build 16221 and higher on nt6.3.
      4. 2016/2019/2021 and all future year-named versions of office c2r share the same binaries with office 365. you can install office 365 or mondo 2016, and switch to different licenses to enjoy other office editions on nt6.1-6.3.


        1)someone can patch this version in order to work it would be great
        2)how can i find that tool
        3)i dont care aboit 6.3,only for 7 (6.1)
        4)using the c2r extender it upgrades to versions that win 7 cant support and crashes.


          2.Office Tool Plus Download link
          You can use Office Tool Plus to download Office 365 Version 2007 MonthlyEnterprise Build 16.0.13029.20708

          then use Office_C2R_Extender_W7 to bypass,

          then depress Office Deployment Tool 16.0.14729.20228,rename setup.exe to ODTsetup.exe,
          edit Configuration.xml to contain following content:


          <Add OfficeClientEdition="64" Channel="MonthlyEnterprise" Version="16.0.13029.20708" >
          <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
          <Language ID="zh-cn" />

          move ODTsetup.exe and Configuration.xml to Office Tool Plus folder which contain Office 365 Version 2007 files , and then use command line ODTsetup.exe /configure Configuration.xml to setup Office 365 Version 2007.

            星游12 thanks for the information

            i will try it an a VM and respond back.

            as for the 1) theres no hope right. so i guess its a and of an era.

            15 天 后

            今天发现今天发布的公测版office(2306 build 16505.20002)已不能在nt6.3上使用。上一版本2305 build 16501.20000还是正常的(当然,必须装Extender破解)。从上一版本检查更新时,总是提示网络有问题,下载错误(早上中午都这样)


            然后用otp在四个内部通道上逐一测了半天,发现16501-16505之间只有唯一一个build,16503.20000,这个build能在nt6.3上正常使用,通道是Microsoft :: DevMain(第二个Beta Channel)

            欣慰的是,这个通道没给nt6.3预留build,所以卸了破解后检查更新提示是最新,不会回滚(Dogfood :: DevMain(第四个Beta Channel)上倒是给nt6.3预留了一个16207,但实际上官方可正常安装的最高版本是16216,已推到beta通道)

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